Sunday, March 21, 2010

Big Sam Walrus & Elhadji Diouf Act1a

So Liverpool failed to trouble United at OT. Another win for them and they stay two points clear of Arsenal. In all honesty, I didnt really expect Liverpool to come away with anything considering the atrocious form they have been for quite a while now. I received a call last night from a friend {a Manchurian} asking me to join him at 6:30am PST to watch the game on tele but I chose to enjoy my beauty sleep instead. Looks like I made the right call.

So of all people, in the entire universe, Big Sam 'Walrus' and Elhadji 'Sisqo' Diouf are the men we have to thank for derailing the Russian Machine's progress. I know they probably had Big 'Red Nose' Fergie in mind when scoring against Chelsea but as long as it contributes to the Chavs dropping more points, it is all well by me.

So with 7 games reminaing for us and United and 8 for Chelsea, the standings looks like this;

Manchester United 69
Arsenal 67
Chelse 65

The War of Attrition must continue.....

I have sampled some comments from the fans across the blogs and web to show the reaction to today's games......
